Build Stunning Websites Faster – Affordable Plans Designed for Every Creator!
Why waste hours starting from scratch? With our expertly crafted templates for Bricks Builder, you can streamline your workflow, save money, and create eye-catching websites with ease.
Free Plan
Your first step to stunning websites—completely free
Access to all free templates
Use on unlimited sites
Built with BEM styling
HTML5 Compliant
One-click template copy
LifeTime Free Template Update
Basic Support
Professional Plan
Unlock unlimited possibilities for your websites
Access to all premium templates
Use on unlimited sites
Built with BEM styling
HTML5 Compliant
One-click template copy
Pay once and use it forever
Premium support
Friendly Ask Questions
What is Bricks Builder?
Bricks is a premium WordPress theme that enables you to quickly and confidently visually design feature-packed WordPress sites.
What is BricksTemplate?
BricksTemplate is a collection of unique web layouts, wireframe, components and templates for bricksbuilder. It helps you to build your site easily
Is BricksTemplate a LIfetime Deal?
Yes, you only have to pay once and you can use it forever. There aren't any extra monthly costs. This pricing includes all upcoming updates. With this purchase, you will receive remote template site accesses for your website.
What is remote template access?
Remote templates is another unique Bricksbuilder feature that lets you browse and insert our templates from your site easily. You don't need to import the JSON file manually. Also when we publish any new layouts you can see that on your remote templates tab.
Can I try the templates before purchasing them?
Absolutely! BT offers free templates for bricks builder, allowing users to try them out and assess their suitability before making a purchase decision. This way, you can experience the templates firsthand and ensure they meet your requirements.
Are there any website wireframes for bricks builder?
Yes, BT includes wireframes for bricks builder WordPress. These wireframes serve as a foundation for your website layout, allowing you to visualize and plan the structure before implementing the design.
Can I use it for commercial purposes?
Yes, you are allowed to use all templates for both personal projects and client projects.