Refund Policy

Refund Policy

You’ll receive a refund if:

  • The item is not as described.
  • The item has a security issue.

You will not receive a refund if:

  • You bought an item by mistake.
  • You change your mind.
  • You lack the necessary skills to use the item.
  • There is an issue with third-party plugins/scripts.
  • The item conflicts with third-party add-ons or scripts or does not function with them.
  • The problem you raised is incorrect.
  • Refunds do not apply to upgrades or renewals.
  • Refunds are not applicable for auto-renewals.

Important Note About Auto-Renew:

Refunds are not available for renewal payments. We will send you a renewal reminder email before your renewal date. If you only want to use our services once, you can cancel your subscription before the renewal payment is automatically processed.

Before requesting a refund, you must first contact us to inform us of the issues. You will receive a refund if we are unable to fix the issue. If you don’t inform us of and fully describe the problem you’re experiencing, we can’t provide a refund.

Time Frame for Refund Requests:

Refund requests must be submitted within 30 days of the purchase date.

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